Friday, December 7, 2007

San Francisco Bridge

Aja! this is San Fransisco Bridge. It is not a good painting but the details are in the canvas, you can see that the long bridge of the path and the blue sea impose the attention of everyone. When i first start doing the sketching, some one asked me if i did it and i replied to her, "yes". She said that it's a good sketching although it is not yet done. Tomorrow that morning, i declare to put some oil paint in the canvas and it was done. My mother told me that it is a good painting and i said to my mama that i am just trying to improve my skills although i don't have a chance to study the art. I am just a beginner and i want to learn more about painting that is why i have done so many paintings and in fact, i know i can paint the body of a woman naked but due to lack of time to paint i can't get to have a chance to practice anyway. I hope that my readers of this blog would be delighted and i am encouraging you to show your skills and reveal the art beyond your imagination and i promise to that you will never regret that.

-Wilfredo Bolbes

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Parañaque, NCR, Philippines
a humble guy